Friday, December 5, 2014

Orlando Day 5 - Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, Horror Make-Up Show


Since we spent most of the first day at Universal in the land of Harry Potter, we decided today should be a day to catch up on all the other attractions Universal has to offer. They have a Shrek ride featuring the ghost of Lord Farquaad, the midget tyrant...much like Angel herself. Cute midgey.

Read the second paragraph and you'll see the similarities between Farquaad and Angel:

There's a Horror Make-Up show we wanted to catch. It was super hilarious, mostly because they chose Angel to be the volunteer! Haha 

The host (guy on the left) asked for a volunteer and a lot of people were waving their hands frantically in the air. The guy said, “Let’s make this interesting. I’m going to pick the person who clearly does not want to volunteer and has been avoiding eye contact with me since I first started asking for volunteers. She’s also the one who was smiling at all my jokes earlier.” And then he points to voila! Angel! ...and asks her to come on the stage. Muahaha! When the MC pointed to Angel, I was so freakin' dumbfounded. Angel? Smile at his jokes? No way!

Angel thinks it’s her red scarf that got her singled out of the audience. Lesson learned: don’t wear red.

The make-up artist (the woman in the white lab coat) sliced Angel's arm open and all this blood started gushing out:

In for the close-up:

People in the audience were making stunned noises cuz you can see on the big screen that there's very clearly a knife slicing through Angel's arm. The make-up artist then shows us that the knife may look like a regular knife, but put it on someone's arm and there's a hollowed out portion that perfectly fits the arm. So it looks like she's hacking away at Angel. Cool, huh?

They thank Angel for helping out with the demo and send her back to her seat next to me. A little while later in the show, they ask for volunteers again. Again the hands go up. And who do they pick? They tell Angel to get back on the stage. Lol Could this day be any more hilarious?

They put this vest contraption on her:

and a helmet:

What the vest and helmet's supposed to do is control the movements of the beast on the left:

When making a movie with a beast or werewolf or what have you, they can then mimic a human being's movements using robotic beasts. Angel lifts her hand. The beast lifts his hand.

...and then it turns out that the beast is actually alive. He runs on the stage (scaring all of us in the process), and mauls the make-up artist "to death." Ta-da! Movie magic.

We went into some of the gift shops, where they have a very life-like Henry Cavill as Superman on display. Man, he's hot. Yeah, ok, they have Batman too:

Which Baby was super freaked to see. She loves Batman. More specifically, she loves how Christian Bale says "I'm Batman" in a deep, low voice.

We went into Diagon Alley again so I can soak in all the Harry Potter-ness. Hey, Universal tickets aren't cheap. Gotta soak in as much as you can!

The dragon breathes fire:

Knockturn Alley

I completely missed Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour the other day:

They sell butterbeer ice cream. How cool is that? But as you can see, I'm in my big jacket cuz it's freakin' cold, so didn't much feel like ice cream today. It's $4.99 per scoop, plus tax.

Oh, here's one of the areas you can use your interactive wand:

How cute! Little wizarding boy with his Hogswart cape and wand!

You wave the wand at the umbrella and water rains down (you can see the huge mess of water on the ground from previous little wizards).

This mermaid statue spits out water as well--caught a guy waving his wand at it. Good timing, no?

And the frog:

spits out water:

I tried to make Angel take a picture next to the House-Elf Placement Agency, but she refused to:

So I made her take a picture in front of Gregorovitch's shop, though she has no idea who Gregorovitch is. Muahaha.

In front of Diagon Alley is a mock-up of an average London street. Angel kept saying, "I was there!" because we'd been in London not a month ago. But this isn't just any average London street. It's Grimmauld Place, Sirius Black's home and where the Order of the Phoenix meetings take place.

Not that Angel cares.

Grimmauld Place

I was there!

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